Monday 23 July 2012

Nature Always Gets It Right!

     I have always been a nature lover, and regularly take photos of what Mother Nature has to offer.  She never seems to screw it up! When I choose colour combinations for my clients, I always keep in mind what I see in the natural world around me. 

Silkweed Milkweed      Wall Works

     When I took this picture of a common Ontario weed, (Milkweed), it was because I noticed the colours. The beautiful soft pinks and gentle greens could easily be used in a girl’s bedroom or bathroom.

Purple Cone Flower     Wall Works

     As I was focusing my camera on this Echinacia flower, a bee happened by, and voila! A perfect blend of colours. These colours could be used anywhere in your home.  Although the orange and pink are very popular now, they should be used with care, as they can easily be overwhelming. Adding in yellow softens the look and could have a more calming affect. When you have strong colours, they can easily be used as accent colours. As this room below shows.

     As the Bee continued meandering throughout my garden it landed on this Globe Thistle. Wow, I love all these colours, they would look wonderful in any room of your home. Very calming and relaxing, and would be particularly effective in a bedroom. 

Globe Thistle      Wall Works

     For something a little more dramatic, try these colours. I actually used a version of these colours in my own kitchen. The walls are a soft green and I accented with the red, including this Anthurium.

Red Anthurium   Wall Works

     So the next time you look at a garden or landscape, let the natural world around you be your inspiration, and use Mother Nature as your guide!

Wall Works
613 277-1367